Professional copyediting services

Professional copyediting services

Our premium copyediting will vastly improve your writing and present it for the greatest impact on readers. In addition to proofreading your work, we ensure your sentences are clear and concise and your transitions flow smoothly.

Prices start at $50

the premium

Our premium copyediting service is designed to enhance the overall quality of your writing.

You can be confident the fine-detailed review we do at this level will amplify your content by removing wordiness and clunky sentences. We query unclear arguments or information and make helpful suggestions so your writing creates the best impact possible.

smooth clear writing that's easy to read

Smooth, clear writing that’s easy to read.

Our expert copyediting will fix repetition issues and free your writing from unnecessary distractions.

Our editors are skilled at converting jargon into plain language to improve your communication with customers, colleagues and peers. We offer helpful advice on organising your content to improve its logic, flow and clarity.

We highlight structural issues like the organisation and shift in sentences, paragraphs or chapters.

What does our copyediting include?


in our basic proofread: grammar, punctuation & spelling

+ we

check sentence structure and enhance readability

ensure a professional tone and vocabulary

identify passages that may need clarifying

keep your writing clear, concise and consistent, including tables and figures to ensure best use, placement and formatting (if needed)

correctly apply your referencing style so it meets international publication standards (if needed)

leave comments with helpful feedback on writing style.

What you get.

complete copyedit via Track Changes
clean copy with changes incorporated
dynamic table of contents or list of figures/tables (on request)
helpful comments + feedback
custom style sheet + editorial report

What is not included:*
major revisions to overall structure or organisation
extensive reformatting or rewriting
source missing elements in your reference list or bibliography (we’ll alert you to any instances)

*We offer this in our heavy copyediting service.

Choose your profile

  • Copyediting for businesses


    Copyediting for businesses and corporates includes

    reports · audits



    business plans

    tenders · proposals · submissions

    press releases · newsletters

    white papers · working papers

    web content · blogs · social media

    training manuals · procedures

    information & fact sheets

  • Copyediting for academics


    Copyediting for academics and postdocs includes:


    journal articles


    book chapters

    grant proposals

    research proposals

    government submissions

  • Copyediting-for-researchers


    Copyediting for researchers includes:




    grant proposals

    research proposals

    white papers

    government submissions

  • Copyediting for students


    Student copyediting for university undergrads & postgrads includes:



    PhD theses

    Master’s theses

    PhD proposal

    admission statements

    literature reviews

What our clients are saying.


How it works.

Clear, concise, error-free writing in 4 easy steps!