Professional proofreading services

Professional proofreading services

expert proofreading services

Our proofreaders will meticulously read your document to catch and fix all spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.

This final check guarantees no mistakes fall through the cracks, so you can communicate your ideas as clearly, concisely and as accurately as can be!

Prices start at $30

professional proofreading

the perfect

This is for you if your work is already copyedited or your writing is almost ready to submit or present to the public, peers or clients.

All you need is a last writing check by professionally trained eyes to eliminate spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. You know the ones. They creep in no matter how many times you read & re-read your work.

specialist proofreaders Sydney

Complete your work with confidence.

Writers are often too close to their work to review it themselves. So it pays to have a specialist proof your text with fresh, objective eyes.

Think of our proofreading as the final polish on your work. No more embarrassing typos that get you noticed for the wrong reasons.

We make your writing clearer, more concise and flow better so you can submit or publish in total confidence!

What does our proofreading include?

What we do.

fix spelling, grammar & punctuation errors

fix inconsistencies: e.g. capitals, hyphens, numerals, abbreviations, terminology

remove repetition, edit for concision

adhere to your preferred style of English (UK/AUS/US) and business or academic style guides

create a list of abbreviations if you need.

What you get.

complete proofread via Track Changes
clean copy with changes incorporated
helpful comments and feedback
custom style sheet + editorial report

What is not included:*
style, word choice & flow improvements
extensive reformatting or rewriting
create table of contents, lists of figures/tables/appendices
reference cross-checking and formatting

*We provide these services in our premium copyedit option.

Choose your profile.

  • Proofreading for businesses


    Proofreading for businesses and corporates includes:

    reports · audits



    business plans

    tenders · proposals · submissions

    press releases · newsletters

    white papers · working papers

    web content · blogs · social media

    training manuals · procedures

    information & fact sheets

  • proofreading for academics


    Proofreading for academics and postdocs includes:


    journal articles


    book chapters

    grant proposals

    research proposals

    government submissions

  • proofreading for researchers


    Proofreading for researchers includes:




    grant proposals

    research proposals

    white papers

    government submissions

  • Proofreading for students


    Student proofreading for university undergrads & postgrads includes:





    PhD proposal

    admission statements

    literature reviews

What our clients are saying.


How it works.

Clear, concise, error-free writing in 4 easy steps!